
A Call to Prayer

The New City Covenant Church prayer focus is designed to provide an intentional prayer effort focused on both the wider community and individual realities. The church is certainly in a new season in which we are requesting church members to, together, seek the Lord’s direction and vision. Individually, participants will have the opportunity to decide how focused this prayer effort will be. New City will be providing a number of prayer opportunities each week in November, but individual efforts might also include fasting, a specific journaling effort, meeting with a spiritual director, midnight prayer, or even a scripture reading plan focused on prayer.

Opportunity #1: Weekly Prayer Guide

A weekly prayer guide will be available via the New City website beginning on Tuesday, November 1. The prayer guide will be available every Friday for the following week beginning on Friday, November 4. The prayer guide will include a liturgy to be read daily, Scripture readings, individual prayer requests, and daily corporate prayer. The prayer guide is meant to be used during daily quiet time.

Opportunity #2: Prayer Gathering

There will be two prayer gatherings in November both in-person and online (November 9th at Noon CST and November 23rd at Noon CST). Feel free to join us in the sanctuary or via Facebook Live.

Opportunity #3: Video Testimonies

We are asking those that call New City home to share your prayer testimony. Be real! Create 30-60 second video testimony that shares your name, how long you have been attending New City, and answers one or more of the following questions: What has prayer meant to you in your walk with Jesus? What have you experienced through prayer in your life? What bold prayer is God calling you to this season? This is a unique opportunity for New City to share our voice collectively on our social media which will help us all hear each other’s stories, and at the same time share our stories with the world. Please don’t miss this opportunity! No perfect stories allowed! When creating your video, please film vertically (how you normally hold your phone), and film in HD or SD (not 4k). 

Video Instructions:

The upload video button will take you to WeTransfer.com. If prompted, select “I Just Want To Send Files” at the bottom of the page. Upload your video, and send to jamey@newcitycov.org.

Book your tickets