  • A Divided Heart – Sermon Recap

    Introduction In Chapter 5 of Ecclesiastes, Solomon continues his exploration of life’s major beliefs, focusing on the concept of a divided heart. He addresses two key subjects, with the first being the nature of worship, which we will delve into today. The Meaning of “Hevel” To understand Solomon’s message, it’s

  • Relationship Goals – Sermon Recap

    The Fear of Loneliness Life can be scary, especially when you feel alone. Here’s a light-hearted story to illustrate this: There was a little boy who was afraid of the dark. One evening, his mom asked him to fetch a broom from the back porch. He hesitated, saying, “I can’t

  • The Race Marked Out For Us – Sermon Recap

    Introduction  This past weekend, Pastor Tim was away at Bible camp, so we had a special guest preacher, Kris Nosworthy, who delivered an inspiring message on endurance, aptly timed with the upcoming Olympic Games. The sermon began with the reading of Hebrews 12:1-3, which emphasizes perseverance and fixing our eyes

  • A Time for Everything – Sermon Recap

    A Time for Everything In Week 4 of our series “Living Life Backward,” we explored Ecclesiastes 3, where the author, often thought to be King Solomon, reflects on the various seasons of life. The famous passage starts with, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity

  • Chasing After the Wind – Sermon Recap

    We are continuing our summer sermon series titled “Living Life Backwards,” a study through the book of Ecclesiastes. This series invites us to reflect on our lives by considering the end from the beginning. Reflecting on Our Lives The Brevity of Life Our lives are brief, much like the sands

  • Vanity, Vanity (Part Two) – Sermon Recap

    Last week, we introduced our new sermon series, “Living Life Backwards,” where we will journey through the book of Ecclesiastes. Our goal is to unpack the themes of this profound book and gain a new perspective on life, inspired by “The Preacher.” Imagining Your Legacy Remember the famous book “The

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