
Kids are welcome!

New City Children’s Ministry is here to inspire kids and families to find and follow Jesus. We aim to
provide an environment that is safe and fun, where kids can experience Jesus and build community.

Sunday Mornings


Our nursery is open for kids birth through three years of age. Check your child in at the Kids Desk as
soon as you arrive. They are welcome to play with us in the nursery right away or you can have your
child join you for songs in the sanctuary and bring them to the nursery during the message.

Preschool – Fifth Grade

We want our kids to know that they are an important part of our community. On Sunday mornings, after
checking in at the Kids Desk, kids in preschool through fifth grade join their family and the New City
community for worship. After songs, they will be sent to their age-specific class to learn more about the
Bible and how we can apply it to our lives today.

Book your tickets