
New City Kids Summer Events

Summer is upon us! And New City Kids Ministry has some fun things planned for kids and families.

Again this summer, we will be hosting monthly Family Picnic and Play Days. These will be on the fourth Sunday of each month, following worship service at 11:45. Pack or grab a lunch and meet us at Countryside Park (6240 Tracy Ave) to share lunch and let the kids play. This will be a great opportunity to connect with other kids and parents at New City!

We have a couple of Family Fun Nights planned as well. Families with kids birth through middle school are invited come have fun outside while getting to know other families at New City. We will provide dinner, just bring your family and some friends!  Our first Family Fun Night will be a bike night on June 28 and the second will be a pool party on August 23. Watch the newsletter for more details!

If you have questions about any of these events, contact Chrystine@newcitycov.org.

Book your tickets