
Good and Beautiful and Kind – Week 4: Becoming Wounded Healers

Good and Beautiful and Kind

Week 4: Becoming Wounded Healers


We’ve been on a reflective journey over the past few weeks, focusing on three powerful words: good, beautiful, and kind. In a time where these qualities seem scarce, the anticipation of Jesus’ arrival during Advent becomes a yearning for a restoration of goodness, beauty, and kindness.

Unveiling the Worm of Trauma

The current state of the world can be disheartening. Pastor Remy shared his personal struggles, feeling the weight of discouragement due to global conflicts, political rhetoric, and heartbreaking stories of spiritual abuse within churches.

Remy introduced the concept of trauma as a worm that eats at the core of our existence. While initially associating trauma with dramatic events, he challenged us to recognize the subtler wounds that may have been overlooked or minimized.

Living in a world tainted by sin, everyone carries some level of trauma or woundedness from the past. These unattended wounds hinder us from embodying goodness, beauty, and kindness in the present.

Shame: A Result of Trauma

Shame, a common result of trauma, makes us feel inadequate and defective. Remy explored how shame stems not only from personal actions but also from the actions of others, such as abuse, rejection, or betrayal.

To cope with shame, we often resort to three moves: moving away, moving toward, and moving against. These behaviors, while protective, prevent us from truly embodying goodness, beauty, and kindness.

Overcoming Shame

There are practical steps to overcoming shame. First, there’s the importance of being aware of one’s body and recognizing physical and emotional responses triggered by trauma. Second, we are encouraged to revisit past traumas with the help of a counselor. Third, naming the shame and identifying the lies one believes are crucial steps in the healing process.

Gaining a New Perspective

A transformational shift occurs when we realize our perfection in God’s eyes through Jesus’ sacrifice. This newfound perspective allows us to transition from living out of past wounds to becoming wounded healers.


In a world often devoid of goodness, beauty, and kindness, Remy encouraged a shift in focus. Instead of passively waiting for these qualities to manifest externally, we are called to become the source of these virtues by letting God work within us. The church, as a community of wounded healers, has the potential to authentically share hope and bring about positive transformation in a fractured world.

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