“To be human is to be vulnerable, insecure, and hurt-able. We are aware of this reality whenever we feel like we are not enough — not productive enough, not woke enough, not smart enough, not rich enough, not gregarious enough, not successful enough, not…whatever enough. When we feel like we are not enough, we either check out or work harder. We withdraw from relationships and work, or we strive to be better at whatever feels absent or lacking. Both are exhausting, sub-human ways of living. Jesus comes to us where we are with an invitation. He says to us lay down your burden, the thing that says you’re not enough and is exhausting you. Trust in me and learn the unforced rhythms of grace. Throughout our next sermon series we will be exploring how to find rest as we live in the unforced rhythms of grace as an antidote to the nagging, wearying feeling of not being enough.”